Low flow and abstraction studies

Get real-world data to help you understand the impact of your abstractions on the natural environment.

Working in collaboration with partners, our Hydro International consulting team provides the whole package of hydrometric monitoring, aquatic ecology surveys and groundwater monitoring, as well as the associated analysis.

Alternatively, we can provide specialist hydrometric inputs to support work being undertaken by framework consultants.

Our services

  • Spot flow gauging
  • Establishment of temporary gauging stations
  • Groundwater monitoring
  • Water quality monitoring
  • Rating development and review
  • Desk studies to review existing data and recommend monitoring requirements
  • Monitoring in accordance with Hydro-Ecological Flow Threshold (HEFT) methodology
  • Hydrological analysis to determine the impact of abstractions

Our experience and expertise

We have undertaken hydrometric monitoring for numerous studies to assess the impact of abstractions on the natural environment.

Many of these projects are classified under the UK Environment Agency Restoring Sustainable Abstraction (RSA) and National Environment Programme (NEP) schemes, with Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Habitats Directive compliance being important criteria.

We have worked with the majority of water supply companies and with a wide range of engineering consultancies across the UK over the last 20 years, providing accurate monitoring data to inform reliable environmental impact assessments.

Other Monitoring and Measurement capabilities


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