Water company addresses revised drought permits
The Hydro International consulting team modelled changes to river flows, enabling Severn Trent Water to develop new Environmental Monitoring Plans.
Revised drought permits were put in place on the River Derwent in Derbyshire and the River Churnet in Staffordshire.
Severn Trent Water needed to understand the water monitoring requirements and potential environmental impacts of drought conditions as they apply to the Rivers Derwent and Churnet.
The Hydro International consulting team conducted river flow estimation at a number of assessment points, using techniques including spot gauging, analysis of historical flow data, naturalised flows and simulated flows.
Analysis of the data enabled accretion profiles, flow duration curves and depth-discharge relationships to be developed that could be used to predict the likely outcomes of the drought permits.
The results of the flow estimating were used to inform an assessment of the likely impacts of the drought permits in terms of water quality, ecology, amenity and leisure, and water resources.
The work enabled Severn Trent Water to develop Environmental Monitoring Plans detailing monitoring recommendations for the periods prior to, during and post drought permit implementation, identifying any impacts occurring as a consequence.
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