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Capture gross solids and floatables at CSO sites with infrequent overflows.
The Hydro-Static® Screen provides economical combined sewer overflow screening at sites with infrequent overflows.
Available in two configurations that provide effective removal of gross solids and floatables, the Hydro-Static® Screen has no moving parts, requires little maintenance and can be supplied in a precast concrete chamber, delivering effective pollution capture for sites with lower flows and operators with smaller budgets.
The Hydro-Static® Screen offers an economically sustainable screen for combined sewer overflow (CSO) sites with infrequent overflows, but at which environmental protection is still a concern. A non-powered screening technology, the Hydro-Static® Screen provides effective gross solids and floatables capture and works with small flows and small budgets.
The Hydro-Static® Screen is available in two configurations, either as an Up-Flow screen or a weir-mounted Through-Flow screen. With no moving parts and flow-modifying components in the Up-Flow configuration to provide partial cleaning, maintenance is kept to a minimum. To protect against corrosion components are typically supplied in grade 304 stainless steel as standard, and the mesh screen panels are coated in a non-stick polymer to reduce blinding.
The Hydro-Static® Screen is mounted horizontally over the dry weather flow channel so that the flow passes up and through the screen in a storm event.
The Hydro-Static® Screen is offset from the vertical to encourage screenings to drop away from the corrugated mesh once the storm has subsided.
The Hydro-Static® Screen provides effective gross solids and floatables capture and works with small flows and small budgets. Mesh screen panels are coated in a non-stick polymer and corrugated to increase flow-through capacity.
The Hydro-Static® Screen has no moving parts and requires no power to operate. Patented flow-modifying components provide partial cleansing of the screen, and a polymer-coated mesh reduces the risk of blinding.
Components can be pre-installed in a precast concrete chamber to enable swift installation on site.
During dry weather conditions the flow to the treatment works will pass underneath the screens in the dry weather flow channel.
In a storm event the inflow rate to the chamber will exceed the outflow rate causing water levels to rise within the chamber and spill through the screens.
The Hydro-Static® Screen is mounted over the dry weather flow channel so that the flow passes up and through the screen during a storm event. Solids and floatables are trapped below the screen and returned to the sanitary continuation flow. Screened effluent is discharged to a receiving waterway.
An emergency overflow weir is incorporated into the screen should the peak design flow be exceeded.
The recommended design loading range is 50-100 L/s/m2 (nominal value: 75 L/s/m2).
Headloss ranges from 40 mm at 50 L/s/m2 to 100 mm at 100 L/s/m2.
The weight of a standard panel (1.215 x 0.641 m) is 20 kg. This equates to 25.64 kg/m2 of plan area.
We encourage the use of standard screen panels (1.215 x 0.641 m), but we can design Hydro-Static® Screens specific to each application. We are usually able to offer a custom solution by cutting/extending our screen panels to suit without any increase in cost; this can be useful for retrofit solutions.
The weight of a standard panel (1.215 x 0.641 m) is 20 kg. This equates to 25.64 kg/m2 of plan area; this value should be applied to non-standard panels.
Patented flow modifying baffles are used on the Up-Flow configuration of the Hydro-Static® Screen to encourage a re-circulation pattern above and below the screen panels. This flow pattern helps reduce any blinding effect when the screen is in operation. The Up-Flow configuration is also arranged so that the top of the corrugated screen sits below the weir level. Once a storm has subsided this will allow a volume of water to backwash the screen panels helping to remove any debris that may be caught on the underside of the screen.
The Through-Flow configuration of the Hydro-Static® Screen is offset from the vertical to encourage screening to drop away from the corrugated mesh once the storm has subsided.
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