Solutions for the UK Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP)

Our products and services can help UK water companies to meet their obligations for AMP7 and beyond. 

What is the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP)?

The Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) is a database of actions that the Environment Agency has requested water companies (WASCs) in England to action as part of their AMP7 business plans (running from 2020-2025) in order to meet their environmental obligations. 

This list of projects has been compiled based on criteria in the Water Industry Strategic Environmental Requirements (WISER) document (jointly issued by the Environment Agency and Natural England) on the environment, resilience and flood risk planning.

WISER replaces the Defra Statement of Obligations and the Environment Agency’s letter of expectations from PR14. It highlights the main obligations of the water companies and sets out actions for them to include in their business plans. Regulatory expectations include statutory and non-statutory obligations.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water are working with the Natural Resources Wales (NRW) National Environmental Programme (NEP) as well as WINEP.

The WINEP Challenge

Performance against statutory and non-statutory obligations and water company business plans (which include WINEP objectives) is monitored by the water regulator, Ofwat who can impose fines on WASCs that are not meeting these objectives.

Download the WINEP brochure

Download our WINEP brochure to find out more about how our products and services can help you meet your WINEP obligations

How we can help

With a proven track record of installations around the world, our range of products can help you find the right solutions for the WINEP challenge.

Hydro International can provide application-specific technologies which have been developed and improved over more than 40 years, to help with the WINEP programme. Our teams of engineers and consultants deliver high quality monitoring and analysis, reliable maintenance and repair services, and bespoke design and installation services for packaged plant for small inlet works.

We can help you:

Let's talk about WINEP

Talk to our experts and find out more about how we can help you with your WINEP projects.


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