Rainfall and Climate Monitoring

Get real-world rain and climate data to help you understand and address flood risk, water availability and long-term climate change trends and impacts.

Our Hydro International consulting team provides expert consultancy advice, design and field services for rainfall and climate monitoring, including the installation, operation and maintenance of either short-term recording rain gauge sites or longer-term water resource monitoring networks.

We specialise in advising clients on the introduction of modern data acquisition technology. We take an active role in the testing and evaluation of new state-of-the-art instruments, including our own Hydro-Logic® Flexi Logger, with the objective of helping clients reduce the long-term costs of ownership of large networks. 

Our services

  • Design of networks of tipping-bucket gauges for flood warning and urban drainage purposes
  • Site selection, design and specification of remote telemetered rainfall monitoring sites, including recording and storage check gauges
  • Audit of rain gauge sites and networks to BS, ISO and MO standards
  • Development of rainfall data archiving, analysis and reporting systems
  • Trials for assessment of new low-maintenance rainfall intensity gauges

Other Monitoring and Measurement capabilities


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